Monday, January 7, 2008

Give me a break

Is it that I am just dumb, stupid or just plain don’t get it. What is up with some of these commercials? Take the underwear advertisements, for example. Why will any straight man be enticed to buy a pair of underwear because there is a picture of a gay looking dude with a smile. I have been involved in team sports all my life and as such been in a few locker rooms and my fair share of semi dressed man. I do not remember anyone who looks like the guy in the picture. Yes, I know that the goal is to show man at his best or an ideal that we mere mortals should aspire to be, but a semi-dressed smiling guy is not it. Lets face it, over 75% of us are over weight and have a small tire above our waist and most of us are not going to loose it because of an underwear ad.

Subscribe to a few male magazines and I can not tell you how many times I almost laugh at some of the underwear ads in them. Maybe, I am missing the point. Maybe the point is sex, but if that is the case that is even more weird. My assumption is they are trying to sale their product to the general public which, correct me if I am wrong, is still mostly straight. The guys on these products will, in my opinion appeal more to homosexual males. The whole thing is less about be like these guys but you can do these guys, so like I said before, count me out.

The same thing goes for the shaving creams and razors commercials on television. My jaw line is not square, my skin is allergic to most shaving cream, electronic razors leaves my skin irritated, and I have cut myself too many times to remember. So please do not try to tell me that all I need to do is use whatever the squared jawed man in the commercial is using and puff my shaving problems are gone. While you are considering that can you please find some normal guy to put in these commercials, cause I done with these dudes that look self absorbed. I do not know many guys who hang out in front of the mirror rubbing their chin and checking themselves out. Maybe it happens in la la land but we the silent majority do not do that. And also stop trying to convince me that if I use your product I am going to get some. PULLEEEEEEZEE!

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